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Hello, I see that this posting is very new, but I too would like to see notes added to the diagrams. In particular, I would like to see notes that have text independent of the database documentation. Thanks, Jim / comments
Hello, I see that this posting is very new, but I too would like to see notes added to the diagrams. In particular, I would like to see notes that have text independent of the database documentatio...
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Tianjiao_Li said: It's difficult to troubleshoot if the issue is intermittent. Few questions would help: 1- how many tabs were open when this issue occurred and were all tabs not reconnecting? 2- were the tabs that didn't reconnect from one specific database? 3- do you have this issue with any other version of SSMS? 4- if you restore the Prompt options to default (SQL Prompt ->Options->Restore all defaults), restart SSMS, does it help? 5- do you notice any pattern when this issue occurs? 1) This last time, 28 tabs were reopened, but not connected. 3 of those tabs were reconnected. Most of the unconnected tabs were pointing to the same server/database as the reconnected ones. 2) Mostly one since that is what I am currently focused on right now, but as I mentioned in #1, I did get a couple of reconnects to the same server/database. 3) Not that I remember. If I did, it was a long time ago. 4) Oh! That sounds drastic. OK, I did an Export of all of my settings and then clicked Restore all defaults. I connected a couple of tabs as a test, then restarted SSMS. I noticed that most of my tabs now reconnected with the exception of a couple that used a SQL User/Password to connect, even though I have saved the password in SSMS. 5) The only pattern that I noticed is that I have tabs open and connected, I quit SSMS. I restart SSMS, and most of my tabs are not reconnected. Now I have to try and figure out what all of the settings are that I lost, like all of my custom aliases :-( / comments
Tianjiao_Li said: It's difficult to troubleshoot if the issue is intermittent. Few questions would help:1- how many tabs were open when this issue occurred and were all tabs not reconnecting?...
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benhall wrote: Hi Jim, Thanks for your comments. This was discussed however at the time we felt removing the SQL Script was the core use-case, going forward we will consider opening this up more. Thanks Ben Hi Ben, After spending quite a bit of time editing a generated document, I thought I would add a couple of more options to my "Wish List" of things for SQL Doc in addition to the items in my first post--All in the effort to save those trees! No new section/page for each new object. Just a couple of new lines after the prior object (or some equivalent like one new paragraph with a space after setting, etc). Remove the schema name from the "Uses" section. The Uses section is helpful when listing table names and the like, but personally, I can tell that the object uses a particular schema by looking at the object name. That is I can tell that "dbo.tablename" uses the schema dbo simply by looking at the name. On Views filter out the "MS_DiagramPane1" Extended Property since it is just used by SSMS when displaying a view graphically. It also tends to be a couple of pages long and, at least for me, is just a bunch of gobbledygook. Turn off the square bracket quotes. OK, this one has nothing to do with tree hugging, but personally, I find square brackets "[...]" "noisy". I understand why T-SQL needs them syntactically, but I would like to have the option to remove them from the documentation (especially since I don't tend to create identifiers that need to be quoted). Finally, I have one last Blue-Sky wish item. User Defined groupings. Before we purchased SQL Doc I had a program that generated some documentation from the database. One feature it had was the ability to read a specific Extened Property to know how to group objects together based upon my preference. That is, all tables related to transactions where in a "Transaction" section. All tables related to reporting where in a "Reports" section. I was able to give the section my own name, specify the order I wanted to see the sections in and specify the order I wanted to see the items in inside the sections. Well, that completes my wish list for now! Thanks for a great product. / comments
benhall wrote: Hi Jim, Thanks for your comments. This was discussed however at the time we felt removing the SQL Script was the core use-case, going forward we will consider opening this up more...
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