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David Atkinson wrote: 1. In terms of limiting what to synchronize, how would you need to do this? Would you need to explicitly select the records within a table that you want to source control, or would you need to use a WHERE clause to specify it? For us, an example would be adding permissions and menu structure for a particular module that we're working on. If I'm working on 2 modules at once, then I need to be able to individually select the rows that need to be checked in on this commit. We like to make our commits as atomic as possible with regards to the issue that's being solved, so if a row in the static table isn't relevant to the issue, then it should be omitted for this check-in. David Atkinson wrote: 2. If a developer modifies static data records on his own development database that has previously been committed to source control, they need not commit these new changes to source control. Like any change made on the developer's personal development environment, it doesn't go into source control unless the developer commits it. If the developer has changed something just for a test, they will be able to revert back to this afterwards using the 'undo' function. David Perfect! / comments
David Atkinson wrote: 1. In terms of limiting what to synchronize, how would you need to do this? Would you need to explicitly select the records within a table that you want to source control, ...
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