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Another example:
[IL code]
.method private hidebysig static string GetArchestraCommonPath() cil managed
// Code size 56 (0x38)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (string V_0,
class [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey V_1,
class [mscorlib]System.Exception V_2,
string V_3)
IL_0000: ldsfld class [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.Registry::LocalMachine
IL_0005: ldstr "SOFTWARE\\ArchestrA"
IL_000a: ldc.i4.0
IL_000b: callvirt instance class [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey::OpenSubKey(string,
IL_0010: stloc.1
IL_0011: ldloc.1
IL_0012: ldstr "CommonPath"
IL_0017: callvirt instance object [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey::GetValue(string)
IL_001c: castclass [mscorlib]System.String
IL_0021: stloc.0
IL_0022: leave.s IL_0034
} // end .try
catch [mscorlib]System.Exception
IL_0024: stloc.2
IL_0025: ldloc.2
IL_0026: callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Exception::get_Message()
IL_002b: call void [System]System.Diagnostics.Trace::Write(string)
IL_0030: ldnull
IL_0031: stloc.3
IL_0032: leave.s IL_0036
} // end handler
IL_0034: ldloc.0
IL_0035: ret
IL_0036: ldloc.3
IL_0037: ret
} // end of method GalaxyManager::GetArchestraCommonPath
[C# code]
private static string GetArchestraCommonPath()
string str;
str = (string) ((string) Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@SOFTWARE\ArchestrA, false).GetValue("CommonPath"));
catch (Exception exception)
return null;
return str;
} / comments
Another example:
[IL code]
.method private hidebysig static string GetArchestraCommonPath() cil managed
// Code size 56 (0x38)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (string V_0,
class [mscorlib]Micros...
.method public hidebysig instance bool Connect(bool silentifnogr) cil managed
// Code size 29 (0x1d)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld string ArchestrA.IDE.GalaxyManager::m_strNodeName
IL_0006: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.String::get_Length()
IL_000b: brtrue.s IL_000f
IL_000d: ldc.i4.0
IL_000e: ret
IL_000f: ldarg.0
IL_0010: ldarg.1
IL_0011: call instance void ArchestrA.IDE.GalaxyManager::ConnectToNode(bool)
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld bool ArchestrA.IDE.GalaxyManager::m_bConnected
IL_001c: ret
} // end of method GalaxyManager::Connect
[C# code]
public bool Connect(bool silentifnogr)
if (this.m_strNodeName.get_Length() == 0)
return false;
return this.m_bConnected;
} / comments
.method public hidebysig instance bool Connect(bool silentifnogr) cil managed
// Code size 29 (0x1d)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld string ArchestrA.IDE.Gala...