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Not really, the SQL DOC is a method to provide documentation table. What I am suggesting is to tie that documentation to a database just for database documentation where the database can be further documented. If you look at the output from SQL Doc it gives you the structure of each table, but detail information regarding the usage or meaning of each field is missing.
As an example for table __ApplicationGroupToGroupAreaSite I may want to add additional documentation
[ApplicationGroupToGroupAreaSiteID] [int]
[ApplicationGroupID] [int]
[ApplicationGroupAreaID] [int]
[ApplicationLicenseSubTypeID] [int]
[ApplicationLicenseTypeID] [int]
[SiteTypeID] [int] What type of site is being displayed see table _applicationSiteType
[DisplayOrder] [int]
[StatusID] [int]
[AgencyID] [int] Current agency being rendered
[AppRefGUID] [uniqueidentifier]
[Side] [int] Determines the side of the form to draw the element, 0=left 1=right / comments
Not really, the SQL DOC is a method to provide documentation table. What I am suggesting is to tie that documentation to a database just for database documentation where the database can be ...