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Latest activity by ebnf
Exception when decompiling to C#
The following two methods cause an exception when decompiling to C#. Looking at the IL it seems that the "dup" instruction isn't handled properly.internal Expression Rewrite(Expression instance...
Ah yes, the code should be as following: [SecurityCritical]
internal static unsafe void SectionListFromPage(PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr page, ref PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails, out PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] arraySectionDesc)
int num;
PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[] fssectiondescriptionArray = arraySectionDesc = new PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION[pageDetails.u.complex.cSections];
if (fssectiondescriptionArray == null || fssectiondescriptionArray.Length == 0) {
fixed (PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION* fssectiondescriptionRef = null)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageSectionList(ptsContext.Context, page, pageDetails.u.complex.cSections, fssectiondescriptionRef, out num));
} else {
fixed (PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION* fssectiondescriptionRef = fssectiondescriptionArray)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageSectionList(ptsContext.Context, page, pageDetails.u.complex.cSections, fssectiondescriptionRef, out num));
ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cSections == num, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch);
The existing generated code is still wrong because it gives a compile error because it is illegal to rebind the value of a fixed statement. / comments
Ah yes, the code should be as following:[SecurityCritical]
internal static unsafe void SectionListFromPage(PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr page, ref PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails...
'fixed' statements decompiled incorrectly
The following IL:
.method assembly hidebysig static void SectionListFromPage(class MS.Internal.PtsHost.PtsContext ptsContext, native int page, valuetype MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods....