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Difficulty in Getting Information For API Calls Hosted in IIS
I'm currently working on fixing performance issues for a client. I've been trying to use ANTS to get meaningful information, but so far it's been frustrating. Here are some issues I've seen:* The A...
Database Connection Issue While Profiling
I'm new to ANTS so I may be doing something wrong that's easy to fix....but I tried doing a profiling session for a .NET Framework-based Web API hosted under IIS (all local testing for now). The pr...
Issue With ExceptionHandlers with Fault
I have a method that looks like this in IL:
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void TryWithNoExceptionAndFaultWithException() cil managed
.maxstack 2
L_0000: leave L_000c
L_0005: n...
Adding Hyperlinking in Add-In
I'm working on a new add-in, and I'm wondering how I can add the hyperlinking feature that's prevalent within Reflector (e.g. where there's a hyperlink and clicking on it moves you to the correct m...