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Thanks Chris, I found this; -- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL -- -- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters -- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter -- values below. -- -- This block of comments will not be included in -- the definition of the procedure. -- ================================================ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE <Procedure_Name, sysname, ProcedureName> -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here <@Param1, sysname, @p1&gt; <Datatype_For_Param1, , int> = <Default_Value_For_Param1, , 0>, <@Param2, sysname, @p2&gt; <Datatype_For_Param2, , int> = <Default_Value_For_Param2, , 0> AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT <@Param1, sysname, @p1&gt;, <@Param2, sysname, @p2&gt; END GO ____________________________________________________________ set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go -- sp_CompareDB -- -- The SP compares structures and data in 2 databases. -- 1. Compares if all tables in one database have analog (by name) in second database -- Tables not existing in one of databases won't be used for data comparing -- 2. Compares if structures for tables with the same names are the same. Shows structural -- differences like: -- authors -- Column Phone: in db1 - char(12), in db2 - char(14) -- sales -- Column Location not in db2 -- Tables, having different structures, won't be used for data comparing. However if the tables -- contain columns of the same type and different length (like Phone in the example above) or -- tables have compatible data types (have the same type in syscolumns - char and nchar, -- varchar and nvarchar etc) they will be allowed for data comparing. -- 3. Data comparison itself. -- 3.1 Get information about unique keys in the tables. If there are unique keys then one of them -- (PK is a highest priority candidate for this role) will be used to specify rows with -- different data. -- 3.2 Get information about all data columns in the table and form predicates that will be -- used to compare data. -- 3.3 Compare data with the criteria: -- a. if some unique keys from the table from first database do not exist in second db (only -- for tables with a unique key) -- b. if some unique keys from the table from second database do not exist in first db (only -- for tables with a unique key) -- c. if there are rows with the same values of unique keys and different data in other -- columns (only for tables with a unique key) -- d. if there are rows in the table from first database that don't have a twin in the -- table from second db -- e. if there are rows in the table from second database that don't have a twin in the -- table from first db -- Parameters: -- 1. @db1 - name of first database to compare -- 2. @db2 - name of second database to compare -- 3. @TabList - list of tables to compare. if empty - all tables in the databases should be -- compared -- 4. @NumbToShow - number of rows with differences to show. Default - 10. -- 5. @OnlyStructure - flag, if set to 1, allows to avoid data comparing. Only structures should -- be compared. Default - 0 -- 6. @NoTimestamp - flag, if set to 1, allows to avoid comparing of columns of timestamp -- data type. Default - 0 -- 7. @VerboseLevel - if set to 1 allows to print querues used for data comparison -- Created by Viktor Gorodnichenko (c) -- Created on: July 5, 2001 -- 060327 nbn: Changed 'Colimn' into 'column' & added "order by" to table listings. ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_CompareDB] @db1 varchar(128), @db2 varchar(128), @OnlyStructure bit = 0, @TabList varchar(8000) = '', @NumbToShow int = 10, @NoTimestamp bit = 0, @VerboseLevel tinyint = 0 AS if @OnlyStructure <> 0 set @OnlyStructure = 1 if @NoTimestamp <> 0 set @NoTimestamp = 1 if @VerboseLevel <> 0 set @VerboseLevel = 1 SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON declare @sqlStr varchar(8000) set nocount on -- Checking if there are specified databases declare @SrvName sysname declare @DBName sysname set @db1 = RTRIM(LTRIM(@db1)) set @db2 = RTRIM(LTRIM(@db2)) set @SERVERNAME if CHARINDEX('.',@db1) > 0 begin set @SrvName = LEFT(@db1,CHARINDEX('.',@db1)-1) if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = @SrvName) begin print 'There is no linked server named '+@SrvName+'. End of work.' return end set @DBName = RIGHT(@db1,LEN(@db1)-CHARINDEX('.',@db1)) end else set @DBName = @db1 exec ('declare name sysname select @Name=name from .master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = '''+@DBName+'''') @rowcount = 0 begin print 'There is no database named '+@db1+'. End of work.' return end set @SERVERNAME if CHARINDEX('.',@db2) > 0 begin set @SrvName = LEFT(@db2,CHARINDEX('.',@db2)-1) if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysservers where srvname = @SrvName) begin print 'There is no linked server named '+@SrvName+'. End of work.' return end set @DBName = RIGHT(@db2,LEN(@db2)-CHARINDEX('.',@db2)) end else set @DBName = @db2 exec ('declare name sysname select @Name=name from .master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = '''+@DBName+'''') @rowcount = 0 begin print 'There is no database named '+@db2+'. End of work.' return end print Replicate('-',LEN(@db1)+LEN(@db2)+25) print 'Comparing databases '+@db1+' and '+@db2 print Replicate('-',LEN(@db1)+LEN(@db2)+25) print 'Options specified:' print ' Compare only structures: '+CASE WHEN @OnlyStructure = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END print ' List of tables to compare: '+CASE WHEN LEN(@TabList) = 0 THEN ' All tables' ELSE @TabList END print ' Max number of different rows in each table to show: '+LTRIM(STR(@NumbToShow)) print ' Compare timestamp columns: '+CASE WHEN @NoTimestamp = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END print ' Verbose level: '+CASE WHEN @VerboseLevel = 0 THEN 'Low' ELSE 'High' END -- Comparing structures print CHAR(10)+Replicate('-',36) print 'Comparing structure of the databases' print Replicate('-',36) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#TabToCheck%') drop table #TabToCheck create table #TabToCheck (name sysname) declare @NextCommaPos int if len(@TabList) > 0 begin while 1=1 begin set @NextCommaPos = CHARINDEX(',',@TabList) if @NextCommaPos = 0 begin set @sqlstr = 'insert into #TabToCheck values('''+@TabList+''')' exec (@sqlstr) break end set @sqlstr = 'insert into #TabToCheck values('''+LEFT(@TabList,@NextCommaPos-1)+''')' exec (@sqlstr) set @TabList = RIGHT(@TabList,LEN(@TabList)-@NextCommaPos) end end else -- then will check all tables begin exec ('insert into #TabToCheck select name from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects where type = ''U''') exec ('insert into #TabToCheck select name from '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects where type = ''U''') end -- First check if at least one table specified in @TabList exists in db1 exec ('declare name sysname select @Name=name from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects where name in (select * from #TabToCheck)') @rowcount = 0 begin print 'No tables in '+@db1+' to check. End of work.' return end -- Check if tables existing in db1 are in db2 (all tables or specified in @TabList) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#TabNotInDB2%') drop table #TabNotInDB2 create table #TabNotInDB2 (name sysname) insert into #TabNotInDB2 -- 060327 nbn: Added order by.. exec ('select name from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o '+ 'where name in (select * from #TabToCheck) and '+ ' d1o.type = ''U'' and not exists '+ '(select * from '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o'+ ' where d2o.type = ''U'' and = order by name') @rowcount > 0 begin print CHAR(10)+'The table(s) exist in '+@db1+', but do not exist in '+@db2+':' select * from #TabNotInDB2 end delete from #TabToCheck where name in (select * from #TabNotInDB2) drop table #TabNotInDB2 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#TabNotInDB1%') drop table #TabNotInDB1 create table #TabNotInDB1 (name sysname) insert into #TabNotInDB1 -- 060327 nbn: Added order by.. exec ('select name from '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o '+ 'where name in (select * from #TabToCheck) and '+ ' d1o.type = ''U'' and not exists '+ '(select * from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o'+ ' where d2o.type = ''U'' and = order by name') @rowcount > 0 begin print CHAR(10)+'The table(s) exist in '+@db2+', but do not exist in '+@db1+':' select * from #TabNotInDB1 end delete from #TabToCheck where name in (select * from #TabNotInDB1) drop table #TabNotInDB1 -- Comparing structures of tables existing in both dbs print CHAR(10)+'Checking if there are tables existing in both databases having structural differences ...'+CHAR(10) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#DiffStructure%') drop table #DiffStructure create table #DiffStructure (name sysname) set @sqlStr=' declare @TName1 sysname, @TName2 sysname, @CName1 sysname, @CName2 sysname, @TypeName1 sysname, @TypeName2 sysname, @CLen1 smallint, @CLen2 smallint, @Type1 sysname, @Type2 sysname, @PrevTName sysname declare @DiffStructure bit declare Diff cursor fast_forward for select,,,,,, d1c.length, d2c.length, d1c.type, d2c.type from ('+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o JOIN '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o2 ON = and d1o.type = ''U'' --only tables in both dbs and in (select * from #TabToCheck) JOIN '+@db1+'.dbo.syscolumns d1c ON = JOIN '+@db1+'.dbo.systypes d1t ON d1c.xusertype = d1t.xusertype) FULL JOIN ('+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o JOIN '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o2 ON = and d2o.type = ''U'' --only tables in both dbs and in (select * from #TabToCheck) JOIN '+@db2+'.dbo.syscolumns d2c ON = JOIN '+@db2+'.dbo.systypes d2t ON d2c.xusertype = d2t.xusertype) ON = and = WHERE (not exists (select * from '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o2 JOIN '+@db2+'.dbo.syscolumns d2c2 ON = JOIN '+@db2+'.dbo.systypes d2t2 ON d2c2.xusertype = d2t2.xusertype where d2o2.type = ''U'' and = and = and = and d2c2.length = d1c.length) OR not exists (select * from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o2 JOIN '+@db1+'.dbo.syscolumns d1c2 ON = JOIN '+@db1+'.dbo.systypes d1t2 ON d1c2.xusertype = d1t2.xusertype where d1o2.type = ''U'' and = and = and = and d1c2.length = d2c.length)) order by coalesce(,, open Diff fetch next from Diff into @TName1, @TName2, @CName1, @CName2, @TypeName1, @TypeName2, @CLen1, @CLen2, @Type1, @Type2 set @PrevTName = '''' set @DiffStructure = 0 @fetch_status = 0 begin if Coalesce(@TName1,@TName2) <> @PrevTName begin if @PrevTName <> '''' and @DiffStructure = 1 begin insert into #DiffStructure values (@PrevTName) set @DiffStructure = 0 end set @PrevTName = Coalesce(@TName1,@TName2) print @PrevTName end if @CName2 is null print '' Column ''+RTRIM(@CName1)+'' not in '+@db2+''' else if @CName1 is null print '' Column ''+RTRIM(@CName2)+'' not in '+@db1+''' else if @TypeName1 <> @TypeName2 print '' Column ''+RTRIM(@CName1)+'': in '+@db1+' - ''+RTRIM(@TypeName1)+'', in '+@db2+' - ''+RTRIM(@TypeName2) else --the columns are not null(are in both dbs) and types are equal,then length are diff print '' Column ''+RTRIM(@CName1)+'': in '+@db1+' - ''+RTRIM(@TypeName1)+''(''+ LTRIM(STR(CASE when @TypeName1=''nChar'' or @TypeName1 = ''nVarChar'' then @CLen1/2 else @CLen1 end))+ ''), in '+@db2+' - ''+RTRIM(@TypeName2)+''(''+ LTRIM(STR(CASE when @TypeName1=''nChar'' or @TypeName1 = ''nVarChar'' then @CLen2/2 else @CLen2 end))+'')'' if @Type1 = @Type2 set @DiffStructure=@DiffStructure -- Do nothing. Cannot invert predicate else set @DiffStructure = 1 fetch next from Diff into @TName1, @TName2, @CName1, @CName2, @TypeName1, @TypeName2, @CLen1, @CLen2, @Type1, @Type2 end deallocate Diff if @DiffStructure = 1 insert into #DiffStructure values (@PrevTName) ' exec (@sqlStr) if (select count(*) from #DiffStructure) > 0 begin print CHAR(10)+'The table(s) have the same name and different structure in the databases:' select distinct * from #DiffStructure delete from #TabToCheck where name in (select * from #DiffStructure) end else print CHAR(10)+'There are no tables with the same name and structural differences in the databases'+CHAR(10)+CHAR(10) if @OnlyStructure = 1 begin print 'The option ''Only compare structures'' was specified. End of work.' return end exec ('declare name sysname select from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o, '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o where = and d1o.type = ''U'' and d2o.type = ''U'' and not in (''dtproperties'') and in (select * from #TabToCheck)') @rowcount = 0 begin print 'There are no tables with the same name and structure in the databases to compare. End of work.' return end -- Comparing data -- ##CompareStr - will be used to pass comparing strings into dynamic script -- to execute the string if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '##CompareStr%') drop table ##CompareStr create table ##CompareStr (Ind int, CompareStr varchar(8000)) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#DiffTables%') drop table #DiffTables create table #DiffTables (Name sysname) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#IdenticalTables%') drop table #IdenticalTables create table #IdenticalTables (Name sysname) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#EmptyTables%') drop table #EmptyTables create table #EmptyTables (Name sysname) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#NoPKTables%') drop table #NoPKTables create table #NoPKTables (Name sysname) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#IndList1%') truncate table #IndList1 else create table #IndList1 (IndId int, IndStatus int, KeyAndStr varchar(7000), KeyCommaStr varchar(1000)) if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#IndList2%') truncate table #IndList2 else create table #IndList2 (IndId smallint, IndStatus int, KeyAndStr varchar(7000), KeyCommaStr varchar(1000)) print Replicate('-',51) print 'Comparing data in tables with indentical structure:' print Replicate('-',51) -- Cursor for all tables in dbs (or for all specified tables if parameter @TabList is passed) declare @SqlStrGetListOfKeys1 varchar(8000) declare @SqlStrGetListOfKeys2 varchar(8000) declare @SqlStrGetListOfColumns varchar(8000) declare @SqlStrCompareUKeyTables varchar(8000) declare @SqlStrCompareNonUKeyTables varchar(8000) set @SqlStrGetListOfKeys1 = ' declare @sqlStr varchar(8000) declare @ExecSqlStr varchar(8000) declare @PrintSqlStr varchar(8000) declare @Tab varchar(128) declare @d1User varchar(128) declare @d2User varchar(128) declare @KeyAndStr varchar(8000) declare @KeyCommaStr varchar(8000) declare @AndStr varchar(8000) declare @Eq varchar(8000) declare @IndId int declare @IndStatus int declare @CurrIndId smallint declare @CurrStatus int declare @UKey sysname declare @... varchar(128) declare @LastUsedCol varchar(128) declare @xType int declare len int declare @SelectStr varchar(8000) declare @ExecSql nvarchar(1000) declare @NotInDB1 bit declare @NotInDB2 bit declare @NotEq bit declare @Numb int declare @Cnt1 int declare @Cnt2 int set @Numb = 0 declare @StrInd int declare @i int declare @PrintStr varchar(8000) declare @ExecStr varchar(8000) declare TabCur cursor for select,, from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects d1o, '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects d2o, '+@db1+'.dbo.sysusers d1u, '+@db2+'.dbo.sysusers d2u where = and d1o.type = ''U'' and d2o.type = ''U'' and d1o.uid = d1u.uid and d2o.uid = d2u.uid and not in (''dtproperties'') and in (select * from #TabToCheck) order by 1 open TabCur fetch next from TabCur into @Tab, @d1User, @d2User @fetch_status = 0 begin set @Numb = @Numb + 1 print Char(13)+Char(10)+LTRIM(STR(@Numb))+''. TABLE: '' set @ExecSql = ''SELECT @Cnt = count(*) FROM '+@db1+'..'' exec sp_executesql @ExecSql, N''@Cnt int output'', @Cnt = @Cnt1 output print CHAR(10)+STR(@Cnt1)+'' rows in '+@db1+''' set @ExecSql = ''SELECT @Cnt = count(*) FROM '+@db2+'..'' exec sp_executesql @ExecSql, N''@Cnt int output'', @Cnt = @Cnt2 output print STR(@Cnt2)+'' rows in '+@db2+''' if @Cnt1 = 0 and @Cnt2 = 0 begin exec ('' insert into #EmptyTables values('''''''')'') goto NextTab end set @KeyAndStr = '''' set @KeyCommaStr = '''' set @NotInDB1 = 0 set @NotInDB2 = 0 set @NotEq = 0 set @KeyAndStr = '''' set @KeyCommaStr = '''' truncate table #IndList1 declare UKeys cursor fast_forward for select i.indid, i.status,, c.xType from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects o, '+@db1+'.dbo.sysindexes i, '+@db1+'.dbo.sysindexkeys k, '+@db1+'.dbo.syscolumns c where = and = @Tab and (i.status & 2)<>0 and = and k.indid = i.indid and = and c.colid = k.colid order by i.indid, open UKeys fetch next from UKeys into @IndId, @IndStatus, @UKey, @xType set @CurrIndId = @IndId set @CurrStatus = @IndStatus @fetch_status = 0 begin if @KeyAndStr <> '''' begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' and '' + CHAR(10) set @KeyCommaStr = @KeyCommaStr + '', '' end if @xType = 175 or @xType = 167 or @xType = 239 or @xType = 231 -- char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end if @xType = 173 or @xType = 165 -- binary, varbinary begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 56 or @xType = 127 or @xType = 60 or @xType = 122 -- int, 127 - bigint,60 - money, 122 - smallmoney begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 106 or @xType = 108 -- int, decimal, numeric begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 62 or @xType = 59 -- 62 - float, 59 - real begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 52 or @xType = 48 or @xType = 104 -- smallint, tinyint, bit begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 36 -- 36 - id begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d2. END'' end else if @xType = 61 or @xType = 58 -- datetime, smalldatetime begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d1.,109) END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d2.,109) END '' end else if @xType = 189 -- timestamp (189) begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' d1.=d2. '' end else if @xType = 98 -- SQL_variant begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end set @KeyCommaStr = @KeyCommaStr + '' d1.''+@UKey fetch next from UKeys into @IndId, @IndStatus, @UKey, @xType if @IndId <> @CurrIndId begin insert into #IndList1 values (@CurrIndId, @CurrStatus, @KeyAndStr, @KeyCommaStr) set @CurrIndId = @IndId set @CurrStatus = @IndStatus set @KeyAndStr = '''' set @KeyCommaStr = '''' end end deallocate UKeys insert into #IndList1 values (@CurrIndId, @CurrStatus, @KeyAndStr, @KeyCommaStr)' set @SqlStrGetListOfKeys2 = ' set @KeyAndStr = '''' set @KeyCommaStr = '''' truncate table #IndList2 declare UKeys cursor fast_forward for select i.indid, i.status,, c.xType from '+@db2+'.dbo.sysobjects o, '+@db2+'.dbo.sysindexes i, '+@db2+'.dbo.sysindexkeys k, '+@db2+'.dbo.syscolumns c where = and = @Tab and (i.status & 2)<>0 and = and k.indid = i.indid and = and c.colid = k.colid order by i.indid, open UKeys fetch next from UKeys into @IndId, @IndStatus, @UKey, @xType set @CurrIndId = @IndId set @CurrStatus = @IndStatus @fetch_status = 0 begin if @KeyAndStr <> '''' begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' and '' + CHAR(10) set @KeyCommaStr = @KeyCommaStr + '', '' end if @xType = 175 or @xType = 167 or @xType = 239 or @xType = 231 -- char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end if @xType = 173 or @xType = 165 -- binary, varbinary begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 56 or @xType = 127 or @xType = 60 or @xType = 122 -- int, 127 - bigint,60 - money, 122 - smallmoney begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 106 or @xType = 108 -- int, decimal, numeric begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 62 or @xType = 59 -- 62 - float, 59 - real begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 52 or @xType = 48 or @xType = 104 -- smallint, tinyint, bit begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 36 -- 36 - id begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d2. END'' end else if @xType = 61 or @xType = 58 -- datetime, smalldatetime begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d1.,109) END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d2.,109) END '' end else if @xType = 189 -- timestamp (189) begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' d1.=d2. '' end else if @xType = 98 -- SQL_variant begin set @KeyAndStr = @KeyAndStr + '' ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end set @KeyCommaStr = @KeyCommaStr + '' d1.''+@UKey fetch next from UKeys into @IndId, @IndStatus, @UKey, @xType if @IndId <> @CurrIndId begin insert into #IndList2 values (@CurrIndId, @CurrStatus, @KeyAndStr, @KeyCommaStr) set @CurrIndId = @IndId set @CurrStatus = @IndStatus set @KeyAndStr = '''' set @KeyCommaStr = '''' end end deallocate UKeys insert into #IndList2 values (@CurrIndId, @CurrStatus, @KeyAndStr, @KeyCommaStr) set @KeyCommaStr = null select @KeyCommaStr=i1.KeyCommaStr from #IndList1 i1 join #IndList2 i2 on i1.KeyCommaStr = i2.KeyCommaStr where (i1.IndStatus & 2048)<> 0 and (i2.IndStatus & 2048)<>0 if @KeyCommaStr is null set @KeyCommaStr = (select top 1 i1.KeyCommaStr from #IndList1 i1 join #IndList2 i2 on i1.KeyCommaStr = i2.KeyCommaStr) set @KeyAndStr = (select TOP 1 KeyAndStr from #IndList1 where KeyCommaStr = @KeyCommaStr) if @KeyCommaStr is null set @KeyCommaStr = '''' if @KeyAndStr is null set @KeyAndStr = ''''' set @SqlStrGetListOfColumns = ' set @AndStr = '''' set @StrInd = 1 declare Cols cursor local fast_forward for select, c.xtype, c.length from '+@db1+'.dbo.sysobjects o, '+@db1+'.dbo.syscolumns c where = and = @Tab and CHARINDEX(, @KeyCommaStr) = 0 open Cols fetch next from Cols into @..., @xType, len @fetch_status = 0 begin if @xType = 175 or @xType = 167 or @xType = 239 or @xType = 231 -- char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar begin set @Eq = ''ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end if @xType = 173 or @xType = 165 -- binary, varbinary begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 0x4D4FFB23A49411D5BDDB00A0C906B7B4 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 56 or @xType = 127 or @xType = 60 or @xType = 122 -- int, 127 - bigint,60 - money, 122 - smallmoney begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 971428763405345098745 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 106 or @xType = 108 -- int, decimal, numeric begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 71428763405345098745098.8723 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 62 or @xType = 59 -- 62 - float, 59 - real begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 8764589764.22708E237 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 52 or @xType = 48 or @xType = 104 -- smallint, tinyint, bit begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN 99999 ELSE d2. END '' end else if @xType = 36 -- 36 - id begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d1. END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null''+ '' THEN CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,''''1CD827A0-744A-4866-8401-B9902CF2D4FB'''')''+ '' ELSE d2. END'' end else if @xType = 61 or @xType = 58 -- datetime, smalldatetime begin set @Eq = ''CASE WHEN d1. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d1.,109) END=''+ ''CASE WHEN d2. is null THEN ''''!#null$'''' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(40),d2.,109) END '' end else if @xType = 34 begin set @Eq = ''ISNULL(DATALENGTH(d1.),0)=ISNULL(DATALENGTH(d2.),0) '' end else if @xType = 35 or @xType = 99 -- text (35),ntext (99) begin set @Eq = ''ISNULL(SUBSTRING(d1.,1,DATALENGTH(d1.[''+@Col+ ''])),''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(SUBSTRING(d2.,1,DATALENGTH(d2.)),''''!#null$'''') '' end else if @xType = 189 begin if '+STR(@NoTimestamp)+' = 0 set @Eq = ''d1.=d2. '' else set @Eq = ''1=1'' end else if @xType = 98 -- SQL_variant begin set @Eq = ''ISNULL(d1.,''''!#null$'''')=ISNULL(d2.,''''!#null$'''') '' end if @AndStr = '''' set @AndStr = @AndStr + CHAR(10) + '' '' + @Eq else if len(@AndStr) + len('' and '' + @Eq)&lt;8000 set @AndStr = @AndStr + '' and '' + CHAR(10) + '' '' + @Eq else begin set @StrInd = @StrInd + 1 Insert into ##CompareStr values(@StrInd,@AndStr) set @AndStr = '' and '' + @Eq end fetch next from Cols into @..., @xType, len end deallocate Cols ' set @SqlStrCompareUKeyTables = ' if @KeyAndStr <> '''' begin set @SelectStr = ''SELECT ''+ @KeyCommaStr+'' INTO ##NotInDb2 FROM '+@db1+'.. d1 ''+ '' WHERE not exists''+CHAR(10)+'' (SELECT * FROM '+@db2+'.. d2 ''+ '' WHERE ''+CHAR(10)+@KeyAndStr+'')'' if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 print CHAR(10)+''To find rows that are in '+@db1+', but are not in db2:''+CHAR(10)+ REPLACE (@SelectStr, ''into ##NotInDB2'','''') exec (@SelectStr) @rowcount > 0 set @NotInDB2 = 1 set @SelectStr = ''SELECT ''+@KeyCommaStr+'' INTO ##NotInDB1 FROM '+@db2+'.. d1 ''+ '' WHERE not exists''+CHAR(10)+'' (SELECT * FROM '+@db1+'.. d2 ''+ '' WHERE ''+CHAR(10)+@KeyAndStr+'')'' if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 print CHAR(10)+''To find rows that are in '+@db2+', but are not in '+@db1+':''+CHAR(10)+ REPLACE (@SelectStr, ''into ##NotInDB1'','''') exec (@SelectStr) @rowcount > 0 set @NotInDB1 = 1 -- if there are non-key columns if @AndStr <> '''' begin set @PrintStr = '' Print '' set @ExecStr = '' exec ('' set @SqlStr = '''' Insert into ##CompareStr values(1, ''SELECT ''+ @KeyCommaStr+'' INTO ##NotEq FROM '+@db2+'.. d1 ''+ '' INNER JOIN '+@db1+'.. d2 ON ''+CHAR(10)+@KeyAndStr+CHAR(10)+''WHERE not('') -- Adding last string in temp table containing a comparing string to execute set @StrInd = @StrInd + 1 Insert into ##CompareStr values(@StrInd,@AndStr+'')'') set @i = 1 while @i <= @StrInd begin set @SqlStr = @SqlStr + '' declare @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'' varchar(8000) ''+ ''select @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+''=CompareStr FROM ##CompareStr WHERE ind = ''+STR(@i) if @ExecStr <> '' exec ('' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''+'' if @PrintStr <> '' Print '' set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + ''+'' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i)) set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + '' REPLACE(@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'','''' into ##NotEq'''','''''''') '' set @i = @i + 1 end set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + '') '' set @ExecSqlStr = @SqlStr + @ExecStr set @PrintSqlStr = @SqlStr + '' Print CHAR(10)+''''To find rows that are different in non-key columns:'''' ''+ @PrintStr if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 exec (@PrintSqlStr) exec (@ExecSqlStr) @rowcount > 0 set @NotEq = 1 end else if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 print CHAR(10)+''There are no non-key columns in the table'' truncate table ##CompareStr if @NotInDB1 = 1 or @NotInDB2 = 1 or @NotEq = 1 begin print CHAR(10)+''Data are different'' if @NotInDB2 = 1 and '+STR(@NumbToShow)+' > 0 begin print ''These key values exist in '+@db1+', but do not exist in '+@db2+': '' set @SelectStr = ''select top ''+STR('+STR(@NumbToShow)+')+'' * from ##NotInDB2'' exec (@SelectStr) end if @NotInDB1 = 1 and '+STR(@NumbToShow)+' > 0 begin print ''These key values exist in '+@db2+', but do not exist in '+@db1+': '' set @SelectStr = ''select top ''+STR('+STR(@NumbToShow)+')+'' * from ##NotInDB1'' exec (@SelectStr) end if @NotEq = 1 and '+STR(@NumbToShow)+' > 0 begin print ''Row(s) with these key values contain differences in non-key columns: '' set @SelectStr = ''select top ''+STR('+STR(@NumbToShow)+')+'' * from ##NotEq'' exec (@SelectStr) end exec (''insert into #DiffTables values('''''''')'') end else begin print CHAR(10)+''Data are identical'' exec ('' insert into #IdenticalTables values('''''''')'') end if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like ''##NotEq%'') drop table ##NotEq end else ' set @SqlStrCompareNonUKeyTables = ' begin exec (''insert into #NoPKTables values('''''''')'') set @PrintStr = '' Print '' set @ExecStr = '' exec ('' set @SqlStr = '''' Insert into ##CompareStr values(1, ''SELECT ''+ '' * INTO ##NotInDB2 FROM '+@db1+'.. d1 WHERE not exists ''+CHAR(10)+ '' (SELECT * FROM '+@db2+'.. d2 WHERE '') set @StrInd = @StrInd + 1 Insert into ##CompareStr values(@StrInd,@AndStr+'')'') set @i = 1 while @i <= @StrInd begin set @SqlStr = @SqlStr + '' declare @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'' varchar(8000) ''+ ''select @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+''=CompareStr FROM ##CompareStr WHERE ind = ''+STR(@i) if @ExecStr <> '' exec ('' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''+'' if @PrintStr <> '' Print '' set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + ''+'' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i)) set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + '' REPLACE(@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'','''' into ##NotInDB2'''','''''''') '' set @i = @i + 1 end set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + '') '' set @ExecSqlStr = @SqlStr + @ExecStr set @PrintSqlStr = @SqlStr + '' Print CHAR(10)+''''To find rows that are in '+@db1+', but are not in '+@db2+':'''' ''+ @PrintStr if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 exec (@PrintSqlStr) exec (@ExecSqlStr) @rowcount > 0 set @NotInDB2 = 1 delete from ##CompareStr where ind = 1 set @PrintStr = '' Print '' set @ExecStr = '' exec ('' set @SqlStr = '''' Insert into ##CompareStr values(1, ''SELECT ''+ '' * INTO ##NotInDB1 FROM '+@db2+'.. d1 WHERE not exists ''+CHAR(10)+ '' (SELECT * FROM '+@db1+'.. d2 WHERE '') set @i = 1 while @i <= @StrInd begin set @SqlStr = @SqlStr + '' declare @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'' varchar(8000) ''+ ''select @Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+''=CompareStr FROM ##CompareStr WHERE ind = ''+STR(@i) if @ExecStr <> '' exec ('' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''+'' if @PrintStr <> '' Print '' set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + ''+'' set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + ''@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i)) set @PrintStr = @PrintStr + '' REPLACE(@Str''+LTRIM(STR(@i))+'','''' into ##NotInDB1'''','''''''') '' set @i = @i + 1 end set @ExecStr = @ExecStr + '') '' set @ExecSqlStr = @SqlStr + @ExecStr set @PrintSqlStr = @SqlStr + '' Print CHAR(10)+''''To find rows that are in '+@db2+', but are not in '+@db1+':'''' ''+ @PrintStr if '+STR(@VerboseLevel)+' = 1 exec (@PrintSqlStr) exec (@ExecSqlStr) @rowcount > 0 set @NotInDB1 = 1 truncate table ##CompareStr if @NotInDB1 = 1 or @NotInDB2 = 1 begin print CHAR(10)+''Data are different'' if @NotInDB2 = 1 and '+STR(@NumbToShow)+' > 0 begin print ''The row(s) exist in '+@db1+', but do not exist in '+@db2+': '' set @SelectStr = ''select top ''+STR('+STR(@NumbToShow)+')+'' * from ##NotInDB2'' exec (@SelectStr) end if @NotInDB1 = 1 and '+STR(@NumbToShow)+' > 0 begin print ''The row(s) exist in '+@db2+', but do not exist in '+@db1+': '' set @SelectStr = ''select top ''+STR('+STR(@NumbToShow)+')+'' * from ##NotInDB1'' exec (@SelectStr) end exec (''insert into #DiffTables values('''''''')'') end else begin print CHAR(10)+''Data are identical'' exec ('' insert into #IdenticalTables values('''''''')'') end end if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like ''##NotInDB1%'') drop table ##NotInDB1 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like ''##NotInDB2%'') drop table ##NotInDB2 NextTab: fetch next from TabCur into @Tab, @d1User, @d2User end deallocate TabCur ' exec (@SqlStrGetListOfKeys1+@SqlStrGetListOfKeys2+@SqlStrGetListOfColumns+ @SqlStrCompareUKeyTables+@SqlStrCompareNonUKeyTables) print ' ' SET NOCOUNT OFF if (select count(*) from #NoPKTables) > 0 begin select name as 'Table(s) without Unique key:' from #NoPKTables end if (select count(*) from #DiffTables) > 0 begin select name as 'Table(s) with the same name & structure, but different data:' from #DiffTables end else print CHAR(10)+'No tables with the same name & structure, but different data'+CHAR(10) if (select count(*) from #IdenticalTables) > 0 begin select name as 'Table(s) with the same name & structure and identical data:' from #IdenticalTables end if (select count(*) from #EmptyTables) > 0 begin select name as 'Table(s) with the same name & structure and empty in the both databases:' from #EmptyTables end drop table #TabToCheck drop table ##CompareStr drop table #DiffTables drop table #IdenticalTables drop table #EmptyTables drop table #NoPKTables drop table #IndList1 drop table #IndList2 return _____________________________________________________________ / comments
Thanks Chris, I found this; -- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL -- -- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters -- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter -- values below. -- -- This bl...
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