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tslagter said:
SQL Dependency Tracker will do what you want.
It can but it's over kill for what I needed. Clearly there's SQL Code for it b/c SQL Server Mgt Studio does it. I've just been shocked that no one that can find has posted what that is. I've found several ways to get a single of direct dependency but nothing that iterates thru an entre set of dependencies like you get when you right -click in SSMS and select View Dependency. SSMS also let's you see the dependency from bottom up to top down / comments
tslagter said:
SQL Dependency Tracker will do what you want.
It can but it's over kill for what I needed. Clearly there's SQL Code for it b/c SQL Server Mgt Studio does it. I've just been s...
FYI - I ended up answering my own question. I had previously tried to use SSMS's View Dependencies feature but I had selected the wrong option; Objects that Depend on SP_Name. When I switched to Objects on which SP_Name depends it gave me exactly what I was looking for. I'm kind of shocked I didn't see this listed 9in my google search) as a way to get this. Now the question is, who does SSMS's View Dependencies feature do it, what T-SQL does it use; and I am assuming that's how it's doing this. NOTE: The View Dependencies does not require any permissions that are above the dbo; no server level permissions. That said it would still be a nice feature to add to SQL Prompt with some addiotnal features/perks like being able to export to Word or even visio, gliffy or other popular diagraming apps. / comments
FYI - I ended up answering my own question. I had previously tried to use SSMS's View Dependencies feature but I had selected the wrong option; Objects that Depend on SP_Name. When I switched to Ob...
DanC said:
Hi @EdCarden I don't believe we have this feature in the tool, if you'd like to make a feature request please post on the forum here:
Dan - Is this even possible within T-SQL? I've been scouring the net trying to find a way to do this and the best I could find is some code that would show you the first SP call within a SP and that's it. I was fully expecting, when I started searching, that there'd be some built-in way/method to do this. / comments
DanC said:
Hi @EdCarden I don't believe we have this feature in the tool, if you'd like to make a feature request please post on the forum here:
I think they just made a huge mistake. I've been a customer of Red-gate for over a decade and this is the first time I've seen something like this happen. Granted I don't use every product so I can't speak to anything other than SQL Prompt but with that I can say this unbelievable goof is a first of it's kind. If something like this happens again then I'm going to start questioning what's happened to management at Red-Gate but I have a strong feeling that after this fiasco they are going to lock things down on their end and make sure this kind of mistake doesn't happen again. As mentioned in another post by another user, the release notes did not mention anything about Tab History being replaced. This gives me pause to ponder if the problem isn't soo much that SQL history is terrible but that it was supposed to released as a new feature and not one that overwrote an existing one; Tab History. If so that would make sense. Management was expecting SQL history to be rolled out as an addition where as either the team behind SQL History or the team that puts together the installer thought it was supposed to replace Tab History. What I am certain about is that this happened because of miscommunication somewhere. After 10+ years using Red-Gate products I have a hard time believing this was done intentionally. If this is what happened I would hope at some point they would tell us this. Not only would it make sense as to how this happened but it would help their image because users would then know that this wasn't intentional. / comments
I think they just made a huge mistake. I've been a customer of Red-gate for over a decade and this is the first time I've seen something like this happen. Granted I don't use every product so I can...
DustinM said:
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your feedback, Our dev teams are aware of the current version of SQL History being a pain point and are continuing to improve it with each release. I also wanted to leave a hopefully helpful comment here for those using the current version of SQL Prompt and SQL History. If you add a wildcard to the end of the search it should order by date where as it is currently set up to look for the closes match. This will not work with punctuation, however. [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] I hope this information helps. Best, Dustin [image] [image]
Dustin - any tips are always a help but in this case I believe most are going to do like me and just downgrade, roll back to the last build that is pre-SQL History. There's just not enough in the latest update (at least for me) to justify tolerating SQL HISTORY over TAB HOSTORY. Additionally nothing you do while SQL HISTORY is installed will be in TAB HISTORY so it's best to roll back to a prior version as quickly as possible. / comments
DustinM said:
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all of your feedback, Our dev teams are aware of the current version of SQL History being a pain point and are continuing to improve it with each rele...
DustinM said:
Hello, Regarding the version, prior to the newest SQL History, it would be 10.12.4. Any history that was created using the newer version of SQL History will not appear in the earlier version, however. I hope this information helps. Best, Dustin
Dustin - Based on teh feedback I'm seeing in teh forums I don't think many are goin to remain on eth SQL Prompt Version that include SQL History long enough to worry about loosing anything when they down grade to a prior version to get Tab History back. Someone majorly dropped the ball on this. This always should have been a new feature that did not replace the existing one. / comments
DustinM said:
Hello,Regarding the version, prior to the newest SQL History, it would be 10.12.4. Any history that was created using the newer version of SQL History will not appear in the ear...
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one more than just concerned about how SQL History was implemented, as a replacement to an existing feature instead of an alternate one so teh user could choose between the 2. I know RG has some smart and talented people who care so I believe we will see not only an apology for this travesty but them going above and beyond to fix this and regain customer loyalty. / comments
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one more than just concerned about how SQL History was implemented, as a replacement to an existing feature instead of an alternate one so teh user could choose bet...
dkim1999 said:
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out and I apologize that you are running into issues with SQL Prompt.
You can revert back to Tab History by downgrading to the following version:
Kind Regards,
David K.
Product Support Engineer
David - Thank you for letting us now how to do this. That said I want to give Red-Gate (not you specifically) a piece of mind about this. I'm all for advancing/upgrading your products & services to continually try to improve them. The issue here is that Red-gate took it upon themselves to replace a highly useful and VERY easy to user feature in the software we pay annually to use with something that is far from easy or useful and which works like as if it was made by someone with little to no experience with what the products user want. I imagine SQL History was teh result of user request but when it was rolled out it should have been a separate feature allowing the paying customer to choose it or to stay with the Tab History. Until this I have never been more than mildly bothered by something Red-gate did to one of its products. I hope those at Red-Gate who are teh decision makers are listening to how users are unhappy with how this was pushed out. / comments
dkim1999 said:
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out and I apologize that you are running into issues with SQL Prompt.
You can revert back to Tab History by downgrading to the following ver...
ATurner said:
Hi all, SQL History has replaced tab history, thus it will not be coming back. However, the team is actively reading your feedback on what can be done to improve SQL History. In order to help us prioritize our development efforts, we would like to ask you to provide us with some concrete examples on how SQL history is not meeting your needs. This will help us understand your pain points better and address them more effectively.
ATurner - Did you not run this by anyone in legal or public relations first? Your very first sentence has an undertone of sarcasm and frustration. Yes you follow it up with your reading feedback and working on the thing but when you are engaging with your customers about a mess you caused I wouldn't tell them "X has replaced Y and X isn't coming back". You instead could have written something like this: "SQL History has replaced Tab History in such a way that we can't bring Tab History back. Hindsight is always 20/20 and if we could have done it differently we would have but we can't. What we are doing is working on trying to fix SQL history and with your feedback we hope that it will one day be to you what Tab History was if not more." Do you see the difference? Your message comes across like a frustrated parent disciplining their child; not a very good way to engage with your customers. Were you the one that made the call to replace Tab History with SQL History and so now you're frustrated that so many aren't happy with that decision? Or were you the one who created SQL History and so now your angry that so many are calling it garbage? I've enaged with RG employe Steve Jones many times and some where more complaints than compliments yet Steve was always professional. / comments
ATurner said:
Hi all,SQL History has replaced tab history, thus it will not be coming back. However, the team is actively reading your feedback on what can be done to improve SQL History. In ...