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fionag wrote: Hi Ed Can I in the first instance point you towards this post that has quite a lot of detail regarding getting data out of SQL Monitor using T-SQL. ... hp?t=12594 Best regards, Fiona Fionag Thanks for the link but that thread is dead. The last post which has gone unaddressed is from more than 6 months back, September 2011. While a reply to the last post would certainly not come in a day nor two or even a week, but six months without a reply is a clear indicator that it is unlikely any additional replies to the thread or even an answer to the last post in the thread will ever be forthcoming. That said, where does Red-Gate stand with regards to a DDF or equivalent for its SQL monitor data? Is this something we users of SQL Monitor can expect and fi so then when? Or is this something that is unlikely to happen leaving customers to do it themselves? I can guarantee you that if Red-Gate does not take control of this by providing customers with a DDF or a similar set of base tools they can use to report on data in SQL Monitor then the users will come up with something themselves. A proper base set of tools would be best met with some simple views that can be combined to make complex data sets that can be used for reporting purposes. While it may be tempting, as Red-Gate employee benrees made reference to in the thread you mentioned, to provide users with a handful of detailed SSRS Reports the end result of that would be that only a handful of users’ needs were met and the rest were left coming up with their own custom solution. Most of your clients will have a working knowledge of SQL Server sufficient enough to create the reports they need so long as they have a useable set of base objects like views. Instead of providing a few detailed SSRS reports SQL Monitor users would be better served with user friendly base views that can be combined together to create rich data sets for use in whatever reporting solution the customer likes be it SSRS, Crystal Reports or even Excel. In the end if Red-Gate provided a set of usable base views to customers then Red-Gate could be confident that the source data used in a customer’s reports is accurate (as opposed to being inaccurate and the user incorrectly blaming the product for something that is instead a flaw in the source that the report is using) and it would also have an additional “feature†to advertise with the product. Currently the marketing for SQL Monitor does not include: “Need a report that is not available in SQL Monitor? Then create your own custom reports using customer friendly ‘reporting views’ that are included with SQL Monitor X.†That feature would carry a lot of weight with many a customer. In closing let me say that this is an opportunity for Red-Gate to increase the features in its product by doing nothing more than documenting its database schema using non-cryptic views that users can then use for custom reports. If Red-Gate doesn’t do this you can bet one or more customers will and when that happens Red-Gate loses the ability to steer the direction of custom reporting in SQL Monitor. I await your response. BTW – If this suggestion does not fall on deaf ears then let me add this to the above. If its decided to embrace something like this then poll your customers and ask them what kind of base views they would like to see made available for custom reporting purposes instead of asking one or more in house developers to make that determination. The Red-Gate developers certainly are more knowledgeable about the inner workings of SQL Monitor and its database schema but it’s the customers who best know what they want to see from Red-Gate as far as reporting goes that is not already available. / comments
fionag wrote: Hi Ed Can I in the first instance point you towards this post that has quite a lot of detail regarding getting data out of SQL Monitor using T-SQL.
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Angus C wrote: Hi Ed, We had a power cut yesterday which is likely why nobody answered your call, my apologies for that. You can extend your support contract at the end of each term. We will attempt to contact the license holder by both email and phone when the license is due for renewal. You can also pre-buy up front a disocunted rate for future years, it is entirely up to you. If you need any more advice or want to see pricing then the best email address is which is solely monitored by the DBA sales team. Thanks, Angus. Thanks for the follow-up Brian. I do hope though that you’re mistaken about customers being charged a penalty fee when they go to by more support after their current support runs out. While charging the customer full price when they go to buy additional support is fair and reasonable since they did have the opportunity to get that support at a discount thru pre-purchasing, I would hope that RedGate would not make the mistake of intentionally penalizing a customer who choose to by additional support later on as that kind of “penalty†approach is not very good customer service especially in an economy where money is tight. Thanks again for replying / comments
Angus C wrote: Hi Ed, We had a power cut yesterday which is likely why nobody answered your call, my apologies for that. You can extend your support contract at the end of each term. We will at...
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