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jimVisage1980 said:
Rob_IQ said:
Its definitly a mess. I was hoping it would be a lot better by now... but it isn't.
And Redgate still aren't listening! Come renewal time for SQL Prompt licence this year I might just be saying, "Maybe we should look at another product from a company that doesn't seemingly treat it's loyal customers with indifference" It quite simple, SQL History has it's uses, but Tab History is better at other things that SQL History is not. So just bring back Tab History!
I believe that RedGate doesn’t view Tab History as a product or part of one so much as a bonus feature they don't charge extra for so no one has any right to complain about it since it's a freebie. To that end why bother doing what the customers are requesting, just do whatever you want at least so long as its a free add on. I get the feeling that 1 or more persons with influence at RedGaye is behind this nonsense of no we can't bring Tab History back. I believe they also realize if they do then the data they collect of use of SQL Prompt will prove that customers use Tab History more often which would them make SQL HISTORY look like a bad product so just take away the customers ability to choose which one they prefer. I'm not against their initial goal of a more robust and feature rich version of Tab History but they still should have kept both and let the customer determine which one is better / comments
jimVisage1980 said:
Rob_IQ said:
Its definitly a mess. I was hoping it would be a lot better by now... but it isn't.
And Redgate still aren't listening!Come renewal time for SQL P...
NOTE: YOu guys REALLY need a cancel or Quit button in these forums, I initially had a post that was messed up and there was no way to get rid of the thing so I had to delete the contents and put in the word TEST and POST it simply to get back to a regular REPLY page. / comments
NOTE: YOu guys REALLY need a cancel or Quit button in these forums, I initially had a post that was messed up and there was no way to get rid of the thing so I had to delete the contents and put in...
SQLSi said:
Agreed - the new History GUI could've been designed to be more intuitive. My assumption was, red-gate had mistakenly released an older, (never before seen) defunct version of the tab history, but it seems not. The previous GUI was very easy to use in comparison. In the sprit of giving constructive feedback, I'd recommend those responsible have a look at this:
Well said. / comments
SQLSi said:
Agreed - the new History GUI could've been designed to be more intuitive. My assumption was, red-gate had mistakenly released an older, (never before seen) defunct version of the...
jimVisage1980 said:
Another thing to consider for those who've reverted to an older version of SQL Prompt in order to get Tab History. The older version will not work with SSMS 19.x [image]
Jim - Have you had any issues with SSMS19? I installed it many months back and ended up having to stop using it after about 2 weeks because the thing always connects to the same server regardless of what server I specify. It's like stuck to one server. / comments
jimVisage1980 said:
Another thing to consider for those who've reverted to an older version of SQL Prompt in order to get Tab History. The older version will not work with SSMS 19.x
Jim -...
It's been over 30 days guys and nothing aside from "Were working on it". We all work with code and we know things take time but for something like this I think a monthly update isn't asking for too much. / comments
It's been over 30 days guys and nothing aside from "Were working on it". We all work with code and we know things take time but for something like this I think a monthly update isn't asking for too...
Be warned that when you downgrade there's a chance Tab History will still be the victim of whatever changes SQL History permanently made. I uninstalled SQL Prompt and re-installed the last version with Tab History and to this day despite help from RG Support it's slow. It's not as bad as SQL History but it's not quick like it used to be. Takes 10-20 seconds before it show's any search results / comments
Be warned that when you downgrade there's a chance Tab History will still be the victim of whatever changes SQL History permanently made. I uninstalled SQL Prompt and re-installed the last version ...
Red-gate - If its not clear by now yo got a number of paying customers asking you NOT to fix SQL History but to make it optional ,completely separate the 2 so there's nothing shared. Maybe that will fix the slowness that SQL history causes to Tab History for this of us who downgrade to escape SQL History / comments
Red-gate - If its not clear by now yo got a number of paying customers asking you NOT to fix SQL History but to make it optional ,completely separate the 2 so there's nothing shared. Maybe that wil...
jimVisage1980 said:
Redgate dropped the ball BIG TIME with this. Not even anything said in the release notes about Tab History being removed. I'm already thinking of using another product when renewal time comes around. Total lack of respect for people who have used SQL Prompt for a long time.
I am equally upset over this and believe this was very unprofessional but Red-Gate has a history of being a great vendor and treating customers well (or at least that's been my experience) and I've been one for over a decade so I'm giving them a pass on this as long as they do the right thing about it and I believe they are. / comments
jimVisage1980 said:
Redgate dropped the ball BIG TIME with this. Not even anything said in the release notes about Tab History being removed.I'm already thinking of using another product when...
Rob_IQ said:
EdCarden said:
OMG how do I get my TAB HISTORY tab back? If this SQL History is supposed to replace it then someone dropped the ball big time because this thing sucks; at least for a quick easy to search like Tab History was.
The best stable version with Tab Histoy that I use is you can get to and download from this page: *** Newer versions of 10.12 have Tab History too but seem to have a threading bug and often throw semaphore related exceptions (they don't crash ssms but do pop up). If you uninstall 10.13.x and then install this version, your current history shoudl remain intact. At least that was my experience a few times ao far. You can always manually backup you the history files just in case something goes wrong. Those files should be here: %localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 10\
Thanks / comments
Rob_IQ said:
EdCarden said:
OMG how do I get my TAB HISTORY tab back? If this SQL History is supposed to replace it then someone dropped the ball big time because this thing sucks; at...
jimVisage1980 said:
With the removal of Tab History from SQL Prompt I'm sure I'm not the only one tearing my hair out in frustration in using what is supposed to replace it. i.e. The awful SQL History Yet another example of Redgate not listening to the paying customer who use SQL Prompt day in, day out. I was using Tab History on a daily basis. It was perfect for my needs and didn't have any problems. Now, for reasons I cannot fathom it has just been removed and we're told to use a replacement that is a poor substitute. Does anybody else feel like I do? If so, then add your comments. I'm sure there is room for both Tab History and SQL History in SQL Prompt. So please Redgate bring back Tab History!
YES! you are certainly NOT alone in this frustration. Even though there's just a few posts about it so far I imagine as more update their version of SQL Prompt they too will be very angered by how this was implemented; as a replacement of a highly useful and seemingly popular feature instead of making it an addiotnal feature so users could choose which to use. It's not unlike the Microsoft Ribbon fiasco where MS pushed out the Ribbon against users wishes and so many were frustrated with it that it spawned an industry of 3rd party vendors who provided apps that people would pay for, just to get rid of the ribbon and regain the menu & tool bar it removed. A very shameful period for MS. / comments
jimVisage1980 said:
With the removal of Tab History from SQL Prompt I'm sure I'm not the only one tearing my hair out in frustration in using what is supposed to replace it. i.e. The awful SQ...