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General Warnings rant
Since we started using SQL Compare, which generally works well enough I have been inundated each time I do a new compare with some daft 'Warnings'
1. A Schema being owned by a user that is created ...
SQL Compare has issues with columns that include [ or ]
In our datawarehouse we use columns with the [ and ] characters in them, such as "Example.[Something].[SomethingElse]" this is to allow for script built solutions and to avoid name collisions. Unfo...
Dire compare speed in moderate sized DBs - Workaround(?) inc
I have noted that the very very long run time for scanning indexes on medium sized Data Warehouses is still an issue with 10.4 and the index read step can take 3-4 hours for a 17k object (as Red-Ga...
Odd partioning behaviour
Where I have a table that is partioned and this has partitioned indexes if the column used by the index for the partitioning scheme differs from that used by the table then SQL Compare incorectly t...
Confussion where objects have the same name
We have a large Data Warehouse where there are stages to bringing the data in and we used schemas to designate the layer.
So for instance there is a Staging table in the schema Staging_something, a...
Some Schema drops report as constant changes
If you drop the schemas db_owner, db_accessadmin, db_backupoperator and others, Source Control constantly reports these as changes, ie that the schema drop has happened since the last commit and ne...
FillFactor Bug with User Defiend Table Types
SQL Compare seems to have a bit of a bug when it comes to User Defined Table Types.
If The Soruce and Destination server have different Index default fill factors SQL Compare adds a fill factor to ...
Smart rename is great - but annoying
As a feature request could you please order the schema list in Smart Rename alphabetically. At the moment this great feature is severely hampered for us by the fact our list of 149 schemas appears ...
Visual Query Editor - feature wish list
Despite being a bit of an old dinosaur I do from time to time use the visual query editor in Visual Studio to make quick changes to a simple query. However the following issues stop me using it on ...
Two part name joins for three part name data tables
Having a database building database I frequently access external database schemas from the build database. So for instance where I have a database called External_DB I may use the following query.....