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Feature Request - Sql Format
I love SQL Format, but sometimes what I want is the opposite - to remove all formatting and turn it into a single line, so I can pass the whole query as a parameter.
Also, at the same time, I want ...
Feature Request for Format
I recently discovered that Microsoft Sql Server will allow you to create a stored procedure, view, etc, with nested comments, but, once created, will not allow you to retrieve it. For example:
Snippet name: fd
Description: Format a date as YYYY-MM-DD
CONVERT(CHAR(10), <inDate, DateTime, GETDATE()>, 23) AS [Date]
Use Ctrl-Shift-M to populate the parameter.
Defaults to GetDate()
I love the Over Partition:
row_number() OVER ( Partition BY <foreignkey, varchar> order by <foreignkey,varchar> ) AS [Seq]
Ctrl-Shit-M to populate
Generation of Insert, Update and Delete stored procedures
On this forum there is code to do this: ... 444-3.aspx
But alas, it does not seem to work.
Is there anything like this in your Toolbox?