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set @strSQL='-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE '+ @strName +' TO DISK = '''+@strPath+@strName+'\'+ @strName +'_sqlbackup'+replace(replace(convert(varchar(50),getdate() ,120),' ','-'),':','-')+'.sqb'' WITH NAME = ''Database '+ @strName +', '+replace(replace(convert(varchar(50),getdate() ,120),' ','-'),':','-')+''', DESCRIPTION = ''Backup on '+ replace(replace(convert(varchar(50),getdate() ,120),' ','-'),':','-')+' Database: '+ @servername +''', ERASEFILES = ' +cast(@intDays as varchar(2)) +', COMPRESSION = 1" -E' the error we see in the log is: SQL Backup 3.1.0, (c) Red Gate Software Ltd 2004 - 2005 Serial number: [REDACTED] Backing up EPM88PRD (full database) to \\mmofile\sqlbackups\MMOPSEPM\EPM88PRD\EPM88PRD_sqlbackup2005-04-27-08-37-42.sqb ... Thread 0 error: Error 620: Error writing to backup file(s). Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860 Msg 3202, Level 16, State 1, Server MMOPSEPM, Line 1 Write on 'SQLBACKUP_201252733' failed, status = 112. See the SQL Server error log for more details. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server MMOPSEPM, Line 1 BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. output From the SQL Server logs: BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [EPM88PRD] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_201252733' WITH BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576, NAME = 'Database EPM88PRD, 2005-04-27-08-37-42', DESCRIPTION = 'Backup on 2005-04-27-08-37-42 Database: EPM88PRD Server: MMOPSEPM', F BackupVirtualDeviceFile::RequestDurableMedia: Flush failure on backup device 'SQLBACKUP_201252733'. Operating system error 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.). Database backed up: Database: UTIL, creation date(time): 2005/04/04(15:30:08), pages dumped: 184, first LSN: 6:280:1, last LSN: 6:282:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=VIRTUAL_DEVICE: {'SQLBACKUP_201256829'}). BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device 'SQLBACKUP_201207677'. Operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.). The backup file is approximately 10G, and there is almost 90G free on the network share. / comments
set @strSQL='-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE '+ @strName +' TO DISK = '''+@strPath+@strName+'\'+ @strName +'_sqlbackup'+replace(replace(convert(varchar(50),getdate() ,120),' ','-'),':','-')+'.sqb'' WITH NAME...
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I'll try that and let you know. I've repeated this and had the same results on several machines. Fortunately, uninstalling V4 and re-installing v3 has worked fine. / comments
I'll try that and let you know. I've repeated this and had the same results on several machines. Fortunately, uninstalling V4 and re-installing v3 has worked fine.
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