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Yes, our server (Serv-U) allows you to see the name an in-progress file via "LS", but returns a 450 error when you try to download it. I'm not sure why they don't make the filename totally invisible, but whatever.
On the client side, we download files to a temporary directory then do an atomic "Move" operation when it's complete so that you don't have the same problem on the backup machine.
So far it seems to be working fine---we download the new TX logs every hour, then restore them via a scheduled task on the backup machine overnight. We can deploy this to as many backup machines as we want this way.
petey wrote:
I'm interested to know how you avoided downloading files that are in the process of being copied. Was this a feature of the FTP server you were using?
/ comments
Yes, our server (Serv-U) allows you to see the name an in-progress file via "LS", but returns a 450 error when you try to download it. I'm not sure why they don't make the filename totally inv...