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We had the JSON length issue in our Production .Net application and simply changed the config to get around it. No such ability with SQL Monitor? / comments
We had the JSON length issue in our Production .Net application and simply changed the config to get around it. No such ability with SQL Monitor?
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Cropped up, yes. What to do with the info - do tell... U:\EPS_Deployment\xChangePoint\src\Database\SSC\xcp_trans>findstr /S /C:"pk_t_meter_clean" *.* Tables\.svn\text-base\dbo.t_meter_clean.sql.svn-base:ALTER TABLE [dbo].[t_meter_clean] ADD CONSTRAINT [pk_t_meter_clean] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([location_variable_id], [t_stamp], [input_id], [t_stamp_utc_delta]) ON [PRIMARY] Tables\dbo.t_meter_clean.sql:ALTER TABLE [dbo].[t_meter_clean] ADD CONSTRAINT [pk_t_meter_clean] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([location_variable_id], [t_stamp], [input_id], [t_stamp_utc_delta]) ON [PRIMARY] Views\.svn\text-base\dbo.t_meter_clean.sql.svn-base:CONSTRAINT [pk_t_meter_clean] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([location_variable_id], [t_stamp], [input_id], [t_stamp_utc_delta]) ON [PRIMARY] Views\dbo.t_meter_clean.sql:CONSTRAINT [pk_t_meter_clean] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([location_variable_id], [t_stamp], [input_id], [t_stamp_utc_delta]) ON [PRIMARY] The VIEW no longer exists - I nuked it in the re-architecture. The fact that it's still there is a reflection of the history of the database and is correct. However, it's existence in the annals of history prevents me from reflecting the current DB schema correctly, as reflected in the Tables\ rows. How does one clean this up? / comments
Cropped up, yes. What to do with the info - do tell... U:\EPS_Deployment\xChangePoint\src\Database\SSC\xcp_trans>findstr /S /C:"pk_t_meter_clean" *.* Tables\.svn\text-base\dbo.t_meter_clean.sql...
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