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It has been awhile since I've done anything with multiple languages, so I'm not sure what you are referring to. All the strings that I put in the Properties/Resources.resx file get compiled to the <appnamespace>.Properties.Resources.resources which show up under the resource folder in the assembly tree view. For example a test app the assembly tree view looks like this (spacing gets messed up so the '.' is a space):
....+ TestWinFormsApplication.exe
....- Resources
If you are still having problems finding your strings, can you describe your situation more? / comments
It has been awhile since I've done anything with multiple languages, so I'm not sure what you are referring to. All the strings that I put in the Properties/Resources.resx file get compiled to the...
How do you know the Genericl.xaml file is there ... what are you looking for? / comments
How do you know the Genericl.xaml file is there ... what are you looking for?
I forgot to mention this one:
Great walkthrough of writing an IL disassembler. / comments
I forgot to mention this one:
Great walkthrough of writing an IL disassembler.
I got interested in building an IL disasembler about 4 or 5 years ago.
Some of the stuff I've collected is on my site at: (there is a list of resources at the end of that page) and a few of the reflector addins i've wrote are at:
You might want to check out: / comments
I got interested in building an IL disasembler about 4 or 5 years ago.
Some of the stuff I've collected is on my site at: (there is a list of resources at the end o...
When it comes to those sorts of details, you are better off looking at ILDasm and make sure you turn on all the options to see the details so all the tokens are shown in the windows.
If you provide the bytes that you get for a localvarsig that don't seem to be parsed by your code correctly I might be able to help you. Sometimes parsing those signatures can be tricky. / comments
When it comes to those sorts of details, you are better off looking at ILDasm and make sure you turn on all the options to see the details so all the tokens are shown in the windows.
If you provide...
I would try the TreeView's ExpandAll() method - you might have to explicitly cast to a TreeView first. / comments
I would try the TreeView's ExpandAll() method - you might have to explicitly cast to a TreeView first.
I think you can probably come up with something using 2 different events and the producer consumer pattern of sorts. The 2 events i would try are the AfterExpanded (which you have) and the Invalidated (which will fire when the next node is ready). private void tree_Invalidated(object sender, InvalidateEventArgs e)
private void MethodDependencyAfterExpand(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == TreeViewAction.Expand)
MessageBox.Show("After Expanded");
I was thinking something like the following would work:
1. expand a node and throw any children in a queue/list for processing (producer)
2. have a consumer of that queue/list that looks for nodes it should expand (the consumer will need to be wired to the queue/list so it knows when to process new items)
3. when the invalidated event fires, check for new nodes and put into queue/list to be processed
4. when expanded event fires, check for new nodes and put into queue/list to be processed
Play around with the timing of those 2 events and you'll probably find what you need to know when to try and exapand a node once it is available.
Buena Suerta / comments
I think you can probably come up with something using 2 different events and the producer consumer pattern of sorts. The 2 events i would try are the AfterExpanded (which you have) and the Invalid...
Usually people ask was it written in VB or C# ... but these days it could be other languages. If an assembly was written in VB, chances are there is a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic dll. / comments
Usually people ask was it written in VB or C# ... but these days it could be other languages. If an assembly was written in VB, chances are there is a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic dll.
Good to hear you figured out your roadblock. Once you get the code updated, I'll have to take a look at it. Always nice to see other ways of doing things. / comments
Good to hear you figured out your roadblock. Once you get the code updated, I'll have to take a look at it. Always nice to see other ways of doing things.
That functionality still seems to work in my Snippy Addin. Try getting the source code from ... mmits.aspx ... the latest will work for what you need (I wouldn't try to build it if I were you).
Once you get that downloaded look for the RemoteController project and the file named RemoteController.cs That has the function SendCopyDataMessage(string message).
If you look at the source for the SnippyAddin ( ... ted-(v0930).aspx) look at the BuildCommand.Run().
It selects the Main(string[]) method of the given assembly in the AssemblyBrowser. / comments
That functionality still seems to work in my Snippy Addin. Try getting the source code from ... mmits.aspx ... the latest will work for what you need (I wou...