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Eddie D
Thank you for your post into the forum, however I littele confused as you inform that you are using SQL Data Compare and ask how to remove objects from SQL Compare. Although the products are similar in the way you select the data sources for comparison they are in fact two different products. In SQL Compare, to remove objects from the synchronization that exist only in the database to be synchronized. Perform the comparison and wait for the results to be displayed. The results will be spilt into 4 sections: Objects that exist in both data sources but are different. Objects that exist only in data source one or left hand data source. Objects that exsist only in data source two or right hand data source. Objects that are identical. So if you are synchronizing in the direction of left hand data source to the right data source. Expand the section for Objects that exsist only in data source two or right hand data source and uncheck the check boxes so that the object will not be included. Also when you run the Synchronization Wizard, look to see if the objects that you do not wish to be removed, are not included in the dependancy list as the object will be include. Uncheck the 'Include Dependencies' option. For SQL Data Compare, the results returned are similar to SQL Compare, in that you will for a table or view,you will have: Rows of data that exist in both data sources but are different. Rows of data that exist only in data source one or left hand data source. Rows of data that exsist only in data source two or right hand data source. Rows of data that are identical. So if you are synchronizing in the direction of left hand data source to the right data source. foe the table or view, look at the centre 3 columns: Rows of data that exist in both data sources but are different, the results are displayed in the middle column. Rows of data that exist only in data source one or left hand data source, the results are displayed in the column immediately to the left of the centre column. Rows of data that exsist only in data source two or right hand data source, the results are dispalyed in the column immediately to the right of the centre column. So if you wish these rows of data to remain, uncheck the check for the table or view. I hope the above answers your question. further advice can be found in the SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare help files. Many thanks Eddie / comments
Thank you for your post into the forum, however I littele confused as you inform that you are using SQL Data Compare and ask how to remove objects from SQL Compare. Although the products are simil...
0 votes
Thank you your post into the forum. You do not need to remove registered servers. The upgrade from SQL Backup V5.4 to Version 6.3 is a two part process. You will need to upgrade both the SQL Backup GUI and the server components. So on the server that has a GUI and the only registered server is the local server, no problem simply upgrade the GUI and deploy the server componets to the registered server. On the machine that has multiple servers registered. Upgrade the SQL Backup GUI and then deploy the Server components to each of the registered servers. When you first re-open the GUI after upgrading it , it will bring a reminder box that the server components need to be upgraded. When you view the regsitered server, a cog icon will be displayed to the right of the server to indicate that an upgrade is available. If you have already upgraded the server components for the registered server, there will be no cog icon to the right of the server name in the registered servers panel. A new feature added to SQL Backup V6.3 is the ability to activate multiple servers, so if you have multiple servers regsitered into the GUI registered servers panel form the Tools menu ->Utilities ->Multi-server Activation. This new feature maybe useful to you, as by applying SQL Backup V6.*, activation is set back to trail license and you will need to re-activate after upgrading. This sticky forum post contains a link to a pdf document that contains upgrade instructions. It was originally written for upgrading to SQL backup V6.0/6.1 from previous versions. However the advice is still valid for you upgrading from V5.4 to V6.3: ... php?t=9346 Many Thanks Eddie / comments
Thank you your post into the forum. You do not need to remove registered servers. The upgrade from SQL Backup V5.4 to Version 6.3 is a two part process. You will need to upgrade both the SQL Backup...
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